Where do I even begin? Jessi and I became fast friends at the tender and impressionable age of 13. Having gone to elementary school with Jessi, I knew who she was; but it was in 7th grade orchestra that I, with that gap between my front teeth, walked in with my violin (real cool) not knowing anyone (because no one else wanted to be in orchestra, apparently?!) and spotted her-- this hilarious, sarcastic girl with a sense of humor way beyond her years.
My 7th grade year was spent taking the bus home with Jessi, eating the best after school snacks that I never got to have at my house (salsa+sour cream+tortilla chips for the win), listening to Eminems new CD and Korn at all hours of the night, and doing ET impressions. Jessi was always so easy breezy and cool and even in 7th grade I knew she was good people.
Somewhere along the way we lost touch but with the magic of Facebook we reconnected again. Reminiscing about Ski Club and eating cheeseburgers in the chalet instead of, you know, actually skiing. And when she asked if I would take her maternity pictures, I couldn't wait to hear that laugh again.
Thank you John & Jessi for reaching out, that little one has the sweetest parents and one funny mama :)